A Burst of Colour Pt. 1

It’s been a while, but Happy New Year!

Enjoy, indulge, or endure.

All photos © Mikailus

Latest Model ~ Hayley

Some of these will be re-scanned later. Until then, enjoy, indulge or endure, dammit!

© Mikailus Photography

Newest Fuckbunch 5

Enjoy, indulge, or endure!

© Mikailus

Newest Fuckbunch 4

There it is! Enjoy it, indulge in it, tolerate it!

© Mikailus

Some People Causing Problems #7 ~ Filmmaking Edition!

Much to a many folk’s surprise, I’ve been doing a lot filming lately. It’s not easy to notice since my “tone poem” Shadows Of Glass was released last year online, but I’ve been posting my tests, experiments, on here to show my capabilities.

Over the last two weeks I’ve been doing some filming of some locations for a new project, a short film. Twice I’ve been accosted but these aren’t the first times I’ve had my job being interrupted by cretins. I’m not shooting major scenes, and I’m not trying to draw attention to myself. I do attract the attention of some, and depending on the situation I react differently. To be a little condescending, there’s a difference between going or coming from work, and doing work (in my case, it’s setting up, filming, and packing my equipment). Catch me off work (going to/from a filming) and I’ll be happy to talk a bit about my machine. Catch me working and interrupt me, regardless of intentions, and I won’t be nice to you. You should be intelligent enough to know when someone is working and have no need for your cutting in. One of these incidents was like that, but the other one was similar to the kind of crap I get when I’m photographing people.

I was filming a protest by No One Is Illegal in front of the Italian consulate over the situation in the Mediterranian where scores of Migrants have been dying trying to reach Europe … a situation I’m fucking worried about because of fucking ISIL, but anyways I was there only to film. So I was taking as much coverage as possible when one of the protesters approached me and told me not to film them. I looked at him and flatly said that this is a public space. He just returned to his place, shrugging while looking at his friend. Now, let’s be clear on a few things.

1) You’re protesting about an issue that requires public attention. You’re attracting other people’s attention towards your cause. You’re holding a fucking sign.

2) You’re in a public space, being the fucking sidewalk. You don’t expect that you have a right to privacy when you’re in public. There’s a difference between that and, say, filming from the street into your back-yard or house (which is rightfully illegal) or filming inside a private place without permission.

3) There’s other cameras photographing and taping what they’re doing, too. NOII even have photos of the protest on their fucking FaceButt page.

If you don’t want your face shown at a protest or in photos, don’t protest, don’t show up, and stay home.

The second filming incident happened just yesterday in the downtown area. Just a brief shot of some architecture when this guy and his girlfriend comes up to me and starts asking me questions about my camera. I tell him I’m busy and to get lost, and that he’s rude. He yammers on, standing there as I’m setting up my camera and annoyed, wanting two minutes of my time. Not in front of my shot, but standing there, until he walks off. Basically won’t let it go when I hear him should something “camera!” in a mocking tone. And when I looked up his girlfriend was all smiles as they were crossing the street. Was that confusing? Yes. I’m filming something, setting up my camera, and I’m not going to be interrupted by some assmonkey about my machine.

“You’re being rude.” Well, you’re being rude because I’m fucking working, you derpy fuckwit.

I don’t interrupt my friends when they’re working, and I don’t want to. I wait or figure out when I can come back to chat with them about anything, unless it’s an emergency. There’s a difference between, for example, summoning the Roman senate for an emergency vote concerning war preparations or a famine or a financial or civil crisis, and doing what Caligula did by summoning the Roman senate for an emergency meeting to vote … on holding a festival or tribute in the city.